This I Believe- More Inspiration
After watching the video of Matt Harding's dance and reading his essay on Connecting to the Global Tribe, I realized how the world is changing. People are wanting to be more connected and involved with people from around the world and our mind is slowly learning to adapt to that. As Matt Harding says "Globalization is forcing our brains to evolve." In his video he is dancing alone in the first few cities but then as he continues traveling around the globe more and more people join in. This shows how people from around the world are starting to become more connected with each other and want to be seen and heard.
The fact that this video has had over a million hits seems that people are also interested in hearing what others have to say, not just through the usual newspaper and news way of delivering news. When I was watching his video I noticed that all the people were from different nationalities and backgrounds and they all looked different. But yet this did not stop them from joining in with the dance and being cheerful and happy with or without their differences. The world has become more aware of the fact that despite all our differences we are all one. This fact also connects to a essay I was reading earlier called Thirty Things I believe, by Tarak McLain a kindergartner, and one of his beliefs was that we are all equal. This fact is very true no matter what nationality or religion we come from we are all equal. In fact this is the whole basis of human rights "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood." . I think that if a kindergartner can see this then the whole world should be able to recognize this and start acting upon this. I know that it has to begin with a individual stand.